Free Windows Search replacement software

Windows Search works quite well for most. But if you are looking for more features or if your Windows Search is not working you might want to take a look at Quick Search software.

Quick Search Search software for Windows PC

To search for a file using Quick Search, start entering its name in the search textbox and you will see the relevant results coming up the list. Once you’ve got your file, you can double-click it to open the file or right-click to get available actions. The results are divided into six categories – Shortcuts, Documents, Music, Pictures, Programs and Videos. You can view the search results category-wise or you can follow the same ‘Show All’ option to view all files coming up in search results. You can even add more categories or modify the existing ones as per your requirement. To modify a category simply go to Options and then hit the Category tab. There are many search options available too. You can enable case-matching, matching of the whole path or you can even match the whole word. You can sort the files according to their Name, Path, Size, Date Modified and File Type. Quick Search is easy to operate and a user with very basic knowledge can also understand the functionalities of the program and the benefits of indexing. The UI mainly comprises of three columns out of which the first one lets you navigate between the categories and the second column shows the search results and the third column display some essential information about the selected file or folder. You can enable/disable the third details column from the View menu. Quick Search is a very effective file searching utility with amazing features. The blazing-fast search speeds, intuitive filters and the simplest UI makes it one of the best free Windows Search replacement software. It cuts down resource usage and makes it more convenient to search files if you have a lot of files on your Windows computer.

Quick Search software free download

Click here to download Glarysoft Quick Search. If you need to see more options, have a look at these Windows Search Alternative Tools.