Baseball game apps for Windows 10

While the craze for the game is well known, it has had less of publishers bring it online in the form of games. However, we bring a list of the top 5 options available on the Microsoft Store. 1] Baseball Star Baseball Star isn’t like those cliche baseball games. Rather, it’s more like a shooter game. However, the gameplay is such that the bowlers are situated at various levels in the field and would throw balls with different speeds. The batsman has to hit the balls on time and in the right direction, such that the ball hits the enemies. Ya, I know how un-baseball as it sounds, but that is what it is. The 20 level long game could be downloaded from the Microsoft store here. 2] Baseball AdventureBaseball Adventure is what I would expect out of a cliche baseball app. A bowler, a batsman, fielders and scoring points by hitting the ball and running. The game has levels, which are basically an enhancement in the difficulty level. The game has reasonable graphics, but good enough for a non-gaming PC. Baseball Adventure is available at the Microsoft store. 3] Jiugongge Baseball The Chinese game doesn’t have any players. The gameplay involves throwing a baseball (like a pitcher) to bring down nine signboards. As the game proceeds, you get fewer balls for the task. This simple game, perfect for time pass could be grabbed from the Microsoft store. 4] Speed Puzzle: Baseball

As a baseball fan, your knowledge about the game comes to test with Speed Puzzle: Baseball. The game is a puzzle involving baseball terms. The more you know and the more you answer, the more you grow in the game. Try it out with your friends and challenge who knows more about the game. A good one to play in groups, the game could be downloaded from the Microsoft store here. 5] A pretty generic baseball game, has a huge fan following. The role of the player is that of a batsman, and he/she has to score as high as possible to maintain a score. The game is better played when idle, like waiting for an interview or being stuck in a traffic jam. It could be downloaded on your Windows PC from here. Did we miss your favorite one?